A Science Based Coaching Model
Nov 24, 2023
The topic of my dissertation 1 identified the leadership characteristics in a sales organization. My purpose was to find out why some teams are successful, and why some do not have the same prolific sales.
To really understand the organization, I ran the sales leadership team through a series of assessments2 to find out if there is a particular leadership attribute that correlates to higher team sales.
I found that the teams with the highest sales had leaders that coached the team to success.
This begs the question…
What is Effective Coaching?
I have been an adjunct professor at a university and one of the classes I teach is Coaching and Mentoring. It always bothers me when the text and curriculum uses a coaching model that is based on the same thing as so many programs.
Check-in with the client about their goals, results, options, and will 3,4 . Repeat weekly. This works for some, but effective coaching is based on much more than accountability. To me this is missing a huge component of change.
Over the course of several years, I have researched many coaching programs, and have found that the most effective programs consist of a valid and reliable method. In other words, a program that has been academically tested to get the same results. Regardless of nationality, gender, age, or income, the testing and data showed consistent results. Few programs offer the scientific rigidity and testing with demonstrable outcomes that are maintained and improved over time. One such program is Certified High Performance Coaching(™).
The High Performance Institute conducted the largest study in high performance with the purpose of identifying life outcomes.
“Two studies with a total of 174,054 participants, showed that the HPI was predictive of several important life outcomes. In Study 1, the HPI was predictive of happiness (r = .58), confidence (r = .67), education level (rs = .137), perceived excellence, (r = .50) and perceived success in comparison to peers to over the long term (r = .67, p < .001). However, the internal consistency and dimensionality of HPI subscales in Study 1 could be improved due to some unclear questions and overlapping items. In Study 2, modified HPI items showed a high-level of internal consistency for each subscale (Cronbach’s α’s from .74 to .87), and a latent dimensionality that reflected six unique constructs. Similar to Study 1, HPI scores in Study 2 were predictive of important life outcomes, such as life satisfaction (r = .62), quality of interpersonal relationships (r = .22), work quality (r = .60), career impact (r = .58), and income (rs = .23). Subsequent analysis of of n = 109 attendees of High Performance Academy provided evidence that these habits could be substantially enhanced through high performance training (d = 1.04).” 5
What does this mean? In basic language, the Certified High Performance Coaching program is designed to positively impact many aspects of your life. The curriculum has been created and tested to get results. The single most deciding factor on the efficacy of the coaching, is if the person being coached puts forth the consistent effort.
In order for coaching to be effective 6 there needs to be a model of progression, that scaffolds upon itself, and identifies habits that drive success.
Certified High Performance Coaching consists of several science based curriculums that have been tested and reviewed with over 40,000 clients.
High Performance is defined as “succeeding beyond standard norms consistently over the long-term while maintaining well-being and positive relationships.” 7
Over the course of 12 sessions, the main curriculum (affectionately named the Core) consists of:
- Focal Points - Explore your focus, agency, and habits that are supporting your success.
- Clarity - Understand where you have strengths and gaps in the amount of clarity you have in your life.
- Energy - Discover how much energy you have each day and how to amplify it to higher levels so you have the vibrancy and stamina needed to achieve your goals and live a fully charged life.
- Courage - Discuss where you feel you've been confident and courageous in life, and where you might be holding back or backing down in some situations.
- Productivity - Explore how productive and effective you feel in life and work, and give you a set of tools and concepts to help you quickly and easily improve those areas.
- Influence - Gauge how influential you've felt in your relationships and career, and give you a few tools and concepts that will raise your level of action and influence.
- Psychology Mastery - Dive into mindset to develop a free, consciously-directed, positively engaged mind.
- Physiology Mastery - Hone in your emotional, physical, and mental energy and give a few tools to help you have greater focus and clarity.
- Productivity Mastery - Check in on how productive you've been and see how me might help you become even more effective.
- Persuasion Mastery - Explore how persuasive and influential you've felt in your relationships and career, and give you a few tools that will raise your level of effectiveness in these areas.
- Purpose Mastery - Living and leading purposefully.
- Commitment to High Performance - Review your progress and make even more commitments for continued change and growth.
Additional 12-session curriculums include The Charge, Declarations, and Leadership.
Get Coaching
If you’re someone that values getting to the next level in life, chase your dreams, and make significant strides towards your goals, then reach out and let’s find out if The Happiness Breakthrough and Certified High Performance Coaching is right for you. Coaching programs can either be in group or individual one-to-one.
To learn more about the science of coaching and the positive correlative impact, register for a free 60-min coaching session with Dr. Mark Leonard.
- Leonard, M. C. (2016). Leadership styles and Psychological Capital in a home improvement organization (Doctoral dissertation, Pepperdine University).
- Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1996). Multifactor leadership questionnaire. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
Palmer, S. (2007). PRACTICE: A model suitable for coaching, counselling, psychotherapy and stress management. The Coaching Psychologist, 3(2), 71-77.
- Passmore, J. (2005). The heart of coaching: A coaching model for managers. The Coaching Psychologist, 1(2), 6-9.
Mrazek, A. J., Mrazek, M. D., Southwick, D. A., & Burchard, B. (n.d.). Measuring High Performance: HPI Development & Validation. Retrieved from https://www.highperformanceinstitute.com/blog/measurement
Grant, A. M., Curtayne, L., & Burton, G. (2009). Executive coaching enhances goal attainment, resilience and workplace well-being: A randomised controlled study. The journal of positive psychology, 4(5), 396-407.
Burchard, B. (2017). High performance habits: How extraordinary people become that way. Hay House, Inc.
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